Saturday, December 8, 2007
a moment for some deep thought
suddenly I discover one thing
many of my friends n juniors
thought I ought to find a match
Its not that I have some weird hobbies
(dont worry, I'm 100% men)
or that my 'gf-to-be' standard is high
mayb I dont wanna be tied yet
tied by things called love
sometimes I envy
people that are couple
Am I ready to face the changes?
I dont know, I just dont know...
luckily (or not)
there wasnt anyone confess to me
and me? I havent confess to anyone yet
for the time being
focus on study n carrier
is my 1st priority
whether I'll be in a relationship
or remain single
time will tell the story
pls dont ask me
do I like someone now or not
I wont answer
untill I sort out my feeling
who remembered my bday
whether u greet me or not
whether u gave present or not
if you remembered the day
I'm really happy
it's really weird
for the past 3 years
I always received 8 greetings
on my bday
strange... strange...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
memanipulasi registry (part1)
Pada Post kali ini, saya akan memberikan beberapa tips & trik seputar registry. Registry adalah sebuah tempat bagi windows untuk menyimpan inofrmasi-informasi yang sering digunakan dan merupakan bagian yg krusial bagi windows, oleh sebab itu, sembarang mengubahnya akan menyebabkan windows crash. Tips2 dibawah ini sudah pernah dicoba oleh penulis, tapi berhati-hatilah dalam mengubah registry. Penulis tidak bertenggung jawab atas segala ‘kecelakaan’ yg terjadi ^^
1. Untuk mengakses registry windows, cukup ketikkan ‘regedit’ di command Run (Run dapat diakses di Start -> Run)
2. Karena penulis menggunakan Windows XP sebagai patokan, mgkn aka ada beberapa Key dan Sub-Key yang berbeda. Key adalah bagian yang berbentuk folder di sebelah kiri layar Registry Editor. Tetapi secara keseluruhan tidak mempengaruhi bagian yang akan kita ubah.
3. Jika terdapat Key atau Value (Value adalah isi dari Key dan berada di bagian kiri Registry Editor) yang tidak ada. Klik kanan mouse di layar Registry Editor (boleh di Key, atau di Value. Jikalau di Value, klik kanan di bagian layar yg kosong, jgn di salah satu Value) dan pilih New. Untuk memasukkan nilai Value, double klik di Value bersangkutan.
4. Untuk tipe Value DWORD, terdapat dua macam cara penginputan nilai, yaitu tipe desimal dan heksadesimal. Hati-hati dalam penginputannya, penulis menyarankan menginput dengan tipe decimal, karena lebih mudah.
5. Untuk mempermudah penulisan, ada beberapa kata yg disingkat, yaitu:
1. Menghilangkan Fasilitas Find
Masuk ke :
Value Type : DWORD
Value Name : NoFind
Value Data : 0x00000001 (heksadesimal) atau 1 (desimal)
Value Type : DWORD
Value Name : NoRun
Value Data : 0x00000001 (heksadesimal) atau 1 (desimal)
3. Menghilangkan Fasilitas Setting
Value Type : DWORD
Value Name : NoSetFolders
Value Data : 0x00000001 (heksadesimal) atau 1 (desimal)
4. Menghilangkan Fasilitas Shutdown
Value Type : DWORD
Value Name : NoClose
Value Data : 0x00000001 (heksadesimal) atau 1 (desimal)
5. Menghilangkan Fasilitas Taskbar
Value Type : DWORD
Value Name : NoSetTaskbar
Value Data : 0x00000001 (heksadesimal) atau 1 (desimal)
6. Menyembunyikan Desktop
Value Type : DWORD
Value Name : NoDrives
Value Data : 0x00000001 (heksadesimal) atau 1 (desimal)
7. Menyembunyikan Panah Shortcut
Masuk Ke:
Thursday, August 2, 2007
the size of photo
I'll post blog regarding useful information about something around us.
todays I'll give info for HP Camera
the following was type of camera,
the size of photo,
n the suitable photo letter size
VGA = 5.42 cm x 4.06 cm (4x6)
1,3 MP = 10.84 cm x 8.12 cm (3R)
2 MP = 13.55 cm x 10.16 cm (4R)
3.15MP = 17.34 cm x 13.00 cm (6R)
5 MP = 21.95 cm x 16.46 cm (8R)
Friday, June 8, 2007
I'm sorry
Kali ini blog di post dalam bahasa Indonesia. Karena inggris saya masih “setengah ember” dan ada hal penting yg perlu dijelaskan. Saya tidak ingin ada salah pengerian.
Hari ini terjadi sebuah kejadian, yang di mana tidak akan saya lupakan seumur hidup.
Di mulai dari confee pagi hari. Semua ini tentang metpen. Saya bukan ingin melakukan pembelaan atau apa, hanya membeberkan maksud dan tujuan melakukan hal itu.
Pada saat confee, saya memberitahu ada anak e-comm yang masuk dalam confee. Hal ini membuat kesempatan bimbingan anak itu dicabut, karena bimbingan ini terbatas hanya untuk anak PSI (walaupun aturannya sudah di ubah kemudian). Sebenarnya semua ini saya lakukan demi anak-anak PSI yang belum mendapatkan ilmu metpen dengan baik. Tidak ada maksud diskriminasi ato mo “back-stab” seseorang, karena saya bukan orang seperti itu. Jikalau ingin “back-stab”, saya tidak akan mengaku ketika mereka mencari pelakunya.
Pada malam harinya, saya menceritakan hal ini kepada adik saya. Dalam percakapan ini, saya mendapati kesalahan saya (saya benar2 heran, bagaimana bsa adik saya mengurui saya). Satu-satu nya kesalahan saya adalah tidak memikirkan perasaan dan emosi orang-orang yang terlibat. Saya lupa memikirkan perasaannya. Dan inilah yang dapat mengakhiri persahabatan. Saya benar2 minta maaf.
PS: semoga Lilis, Pak Sugi n PM tidak merasa bersalah atau disalahkan, karena semua ini dimulai dari saya.
JFH aka usoppinokio
Monday, May 21, 2007
our life
Did u ever feel confused? ‘bout what is the meaning of this life? ‘bout what do we live for?
I would like to share my opinions here.
From the day we r born, our name was written in a “book”. This book contains all the deeds we make in our life. No one can rewrite what we’ve been done. How much it will be write, depends on how long we live in this world. I won’t say who did the good things in his life will go to heaven and who did the bad, the hell will waiting for him. That’s not the reason for what we live for. (Of course, I believe that the good one will be sending to heaven). The real thing is u will be happy, about how many things u hav done in this world when u r still alive, be proud of how many good things u’ve done.
Do u satisfied if u leaving this world, without making something u or ur family would be proud of? Without leaving a “track” in this big world? If u didn’t want to live for urself, at least spare the thought for ur parents. Who will take care of them, when they r old? And for ur friends, for the one they love u, they will feel really sad if u r gone.
If u think u wouldn’t hav a bright future. That’s a completely bullsh*t. if u died, then u really don’t hav any future at all. For my beloved friends, who had a problem in his life or stress with his job, feel free to contact me (via YM, SMS, or a phone call). I may not a good consultant, but I can be a good listener (don’t worry, It’s free of charge ^^).
JFH aka usoppinokio
Monday, May 14, 2007
A Story 'bout Mother
It’s a bit story about our life. It’s about our mother. I should post it in Mother’s Day, but I forgot. Women were a strange creature. They could forsake everything just for their feelings. The feelings towards the man they loved. A woman can share the hardship with the man, working hard together to build their own happiness. The hardship even grows, when they have married. From supporting their husband, doing household, and bear a child. After 9 month, the baby came out to this world. It brings happiness to his family, to his father, and to his mother. A baby was a fragile and annoying creature. The cry in the night, change the diapers, feeding milk, and many more. Besides take cares the baby, she didn’t forget her husband. Prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner. Doing household, washing clothes.
The baby grows up. Now he enters kindergarten. The mothers always wait for him outside the class. Wake up early in the mornings; prepare breakfast and bento for the child. Doing all this stuff until the child goes to primary school. The mother stops waiting for him outside the class, but she worried about his safety at home. Worried about did he take lunch regularly, about his mark at school. Six years pass, now he enters secondary school. The child became disobedient, sometimes picking a fight with his mom. Feels his mom was annoying him, always asked him to study, study and study.
High schools accompany the child in the next 3 years. The child hanging out with his friends, seldom eating lunch or dinner at home. Sometimes complaint about the food. Complaint this, complaint that. How many nights did your mother cry because you upset her. How many times she forgave you, wearing the same smile in the morning. She didn’t want anything, just hoping you will be someone success in the future. Even thought you forget about her, just remember your wife, she always hoping the best for you.
And the last but not the less,, I love you Mom,,
JFH aka usoppinokio aka my mother’s “a-ni”
(“a-ni” was my child’s name, only called by my mom and grandma)
Monday, April 30, 2007
12 AM... (Im sleepy @.@)
As I promise, todays I post a new blogs. I've just handed my resign letters this afternoon. 04th May will be the last day I become assistant. Its a tough decision, but I must choose study than works. I'll remember all the things that happens in these few months. SG holidays, the accreditation, my b'day, followed by Dly n Lilis bday, the leaving of SK2 n Sugi, New Years Gathering, Lagoi vacation n the last, Assistant Gathering. It will be my precious memory in my life.
thx's to the lecturers for their guidance
thx's to the other assistant for the great moment they gav
n sory to the new assistant for my selfishness.
Hop I dont regret my decision in the future.
That's all for todays blog. I dont know what to write now. My tears begins to dropping down. I fell like crying aloud...
JFH aka usoppinokio
Sunday, April 29, 2007
assistant gathering
Wrote on the morning, post in the night
A new post since my last ones. I’m sorry. Recently I didn’t have any event or times to post (actually, my laziness that forbid me to write new blogs). There were Malay vacation n Lagoi holiday that I skip. Don’t worry, I wont post that story, it would be “expired” 2 write it now.
This blogs is about a BBQ gathering. Hold on the same house as the New Year ones. But, the participants are different. Sorry didn’t ask the other friends 2 join, coz this is just a small gatherings for us, the assistant. Actually, we asked two lecturers to come (the one that we loved), but they turned it down. I don’t know why, mayb they were too “gengsi” now. Anyway, the participants are:
1. Yudi ==> Hardware division’s assistant
2. Lilis ==> Puskom’ assistant
3. Junaidi ==> Puskom’s assistant
4. Welly ==> Lab’s assistant
5. Delvy ==> Lab’s assistant
6. Dely ==> Accounting’s assistant (the only assistant that didn’t from Information System. Sorry Del, not discriminate)
7. n Me ==> Hardware division’s assistant
The party starts at 7 PM. The women prepare the soups in the house n the men handle BBQ outside the house. We spend quiet a time to start the fire. After the dinner (I forgot what time is it), we watched a ghost movie “the haunted school”. I think the movie not too scary.
After the movie finished, Lilis n Dely prepare the French fries. Welly n Delvi continues to watch another film (it’s a love comedy this time). N I start to search my Journal’s topic. It’s a homework that must be done last week. Thank goodness my lecturer was kind enough to giv me more time. While I was searching for Topic’s, they start playing card games. I don’t know the name in English, but in mandarin we called it “da lao er”. Welly n Delvi didn’t join the game. They still watch the film.
After an hour of my searching (if I didn’t forget wrong), I can’t resist the temptation to join the game >.< Yudi n Junaidi was an expert. Dely didn’t have any luck that night. N Lilis, this is her 1st time playing this game. My luck was moderate, sometimes wins n sometimes lose.
Around 3AM, my body has reached it limit. I fall asleep n didn’t know what they do. One thing that I sure, they were all asleep afterwards. Dely was the 1st one leaving in the morning. She had to go to the church. Lilis was the 2nd one. Followed by Welly, Delvi n Junaidi. I’m the last one that remained. Currently typing my blogs n waiting for 12 PM to come ^^ Yudi was still sleeping. Don’t know when he will get up. That’s all for this blog. Mayb I will post another blogs in this few days.
JFH aka usoppinokio
Monday, February 5, 2007
1st post
15 minutes towards lunch time
actually I'm already got a blog in friendster
but, the blogspot got more feature than fs
so, from now on
I'll post my blogs here
ps: I;'m so hungry
JFH aka usoppinokio